
与Reason Digital进行高级技术对话

Reason Digital是一家数字社会企业,帮助那些试图做好事的组织在数字上取得成功. 

We thought we'd spend some time with Reason Digital's Head of Partnerships, 海伦·史蒂文森, to discover a little bit more about the company in our latest Senior Tech Talk.

你能告诉我们更多十大网博靠谱平台Reason Digital作为一个组织和你的商业目标吗?

我们是一家数字化社会企业, 由我们的联合创始人于2008年创立, 马特和艾德, 谁仍然是公司的董事. In 2008 they noticed that the internet was mostly being used to sell people more things, 他们认为有一个巨大的机会可以利用互联网并使其发挥作用. 

Our mission is to use digital to solve problems that actually matter. 所以这意味着我们只与其他想要做好事的组织合作. 主要是慈善机构, but it can also be other social enterprises and sometimes universities too. We provide everything from consultancy and strategy services, 通过网站和应用程序的设计和建设. 

作为一家企业,我们最大的目标一直是并将继续通过我们所做的工作提供尽可能多的社会影响. 因此,这可能会减少孤独感的老年人通过打电话到朋友平台的孤独感, 或者可以帮助人们通过我们的同伴支持应用程序申请通用信贷.

我们的首要任务是与合作伙伴建立更长期、更深入的关系. 我们认为,长期的关系将有可能产生更大的社会影响. 如果我们能与合作伙伴长期合作, we can get digital innovation into the hands of many more beneficiaries that need support. 

Would you be able to go into a bit of detail about your role in the organisation?

澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台Reason之前,我在专业服务领域做了三年的管理顾问. I got bored of making rich people richer, and I wanted to do something with more purpose. So I joined Reason Digital two and a half years ago as a project manager 

然后我被要求领导一个新的团队,该团队将专注于与我们的主要合作伙伴建立关系. 作为伙伴关系主管, 我领导着一个数字合作伙伴团队,他们与我们的客户密切合作,提供超出项目简介本身的支持. 我们的工作范围从战略咨询, like helping clients do business modeling and impact measurement, to supporting the future sustainability of their digital products and services.  I’ll also try and showcase the work of our partners, through talks and content pieces. 

我是Reason Digital Leadership团队的一员,致力于推动我们的战略向前发展. 我们的重点是建立更深层次的关系, building our expertise and making Reason the best place ever to work. 我还与我们的销售总监合作,推动我们商业战略的不同要素向前发展, as well as developing new products and services that could support our clients.

What is the most exciting project you've worked on at Reason Digital and why is that?


我们和十大网博靠谱平台大学的生物化学团队一起做了一个非常有趣的项目. 他们联系了我,说, "We’re working with a lady that can smell Parkinson's Disease, 我们想用数字技术来扩大规模." 

They had been working with a lady called Joy Milne, 和快乐 is a super smeller. 她几乎是偶然发现了这种超能力. 她注意到丈夫莱斯身上有一股麝香味. 无论他怎么做都无法去除那股臭味. 在她注意到这一点几年后,他开始出现一些早期帕金森症的症状. 她和他一起去了帕金森诊所. 她一到诊所,气味就变得更浓了! 

She approached a University researcher about her theory, and they gave her a test. 他们让五名帕金森患者和五名正常人在一周内穿一件t恤, 然后他们和乔伊一起做了盲闻测试. She identified six people that had Parkinson's and four people that didn't. 所以她基本上是准确的…….他们认为. A year later, the person she identified as having Parkinson’s was diagnosed.  

Joy’s now working with the University of 十大网博靠谱平台's biochemistry team, and they have been able to isolate the molecules that make up the smell of Parkinson's. 通过这样做, 他们已经能够创造出一种诊断测试——一种简单的皮肤拭子测试,你可以把它送回实验室进行分析,以提供准确的答案. 

The 十大网博靠谱平台 team need to massively scale their research, so they can get the diagnostic test used in a primary care setting.  我们和研究团队进行了一次设计冲刺, 和快乐, 在一周的时间里,开发一个数字工具的原型,该工具可以简单地巩固研究的数据采集和分析. 我们现在有了一个数字解决方案的原型,它将加速研究,并向将这项测试引入NHS迈出了一步.  

Every hour, someone in the UK is diagnosed with Parkinson’s. 这个项目的潜力是惊人的,也是我做过的最迷人的事情. 


这真的很有趣, 因为我们开始看到一些慈善机构在使用人工智能和聊天机器人等新技术方面迈出了第一步. 

但我不认为它会成为一种改变游戏规则的新技术. 我认为最大的创新将是慈善机构如何以全新的方式使用现有的和新兴的技术. 

我认为这一工作的一个关键方式是通过合作——类似领域的慈善机构, tackling similar social problems working together to innovate using digital. 这可以通过新兴的商业模式、集中的预算、资源和项目团队来实现. Digital innovation can get life saving technology into the hands of some. But innovation of business models is the way to really scale your product, 并让这项技术进入许多人的手中. 

We’ve partnered with four health charities to develop a machine learning solution, that delivers personalised information to people with Parkinson’s, 肌肉萎缩症, 多发性硬化症或中风恢复期. This partnership has involved all partners pooling their investments, 共享IP并作为一个整体产品团队工作. To me, that’s the sort of innovation charities should be pursuing. 

When a charity or an organisation partners with Reason Digital, what can they expect?

接受挑战, 用最好的方式, to think differently about how digital could help them deliver their mission! We get a lot of briefs from clients where they've already jumped to a solution. 对我们来说,这是很有限制的. 当你把慈善机构的专业知识和他们的事业领域与我们的数字专业知识结合起来, 我们可以塑造问题和解决方案. 并提供更好的东西. 

他们也可以期待长期的合作关系. 我们不会止步于推出一款优秀的产品或应用. We’re always thinking about how we can support them to take the next step with digital? Can we introduce them to a charity facing a similar problem? 

最后是我们在这个领域的知识和专长. We recognise that everyone at Reason Digital uses charity services, 我们也为慈善机构做志愿者. I’m on the Board of Trustees for 十大网博靠谱平台 based charity The Together Trust. Other members of staff give up their time for other local causes. 

Whenever we're working on projects, we might be wearing three different hats. 您可能是服务用户、志愿者和开发人员. 把所有这些结合在一起,使我们能够以一种更全面的方式解决问题. 

In terms of culture, what is it like to work at Reason Digital?

我来自一家在英国有1.8万名员工,在全球有10万名员工的公司. So going from that to a 40-person social enterprise has been different!  

但让我们与众不同的是真正的以人为本的文化. 决策是协作的,而且是真正透明的. 

One of the really key things for me is the diversity within the organisation. 我们的领导团队中有50%是LGBT. 我们制定了促进女性进步的举措,比如我们的女性领导小组. We know that we need to improve BME representation across our organisation, and are working to remove any areas of unconscious bias in our recruitment processes. 

我们非常关注员工的健康——我们有更多的精神健康急救人员,而不是身体健康急救人员! 我们提供健康日, 人们可以开放地谈论心理健康和生活中可能发生的其他事情. 

你认为10年后十大网博靠谱平台的科技行业会是什么样子? Reason Digital在这个生态系统中理想的角色是什么?

我认为十大网博靠谱平台有潜力成为欧洲最大的数字和创意中心! We're seeing some huge companies relocate to 十大网博靠谱平台, like Amazon Web 服务. 

如果我们能继续这种滚雪球效应, 并真正证明十大网博靠谱平台是一个生活和工作的好地方,然后我们将继续朝着正确的方向前进. Personally I love living in 十大网博靠谱平台, and have chosen this as my permanent home!If we can keep encouraging homegrown skills development here, 同时从其他地方吸引人才, 我们真的可以改变现状. 

10年后,如果十大网博靠谱平台出现更多以科技为本的公司,那就太好了. 我认为Reason将始终在十大网博靠谱平台生态系统中发挥关键作用,证明科技领域存在有意义和有意义的工作.


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